One thing I appreciate about Ramsey (and this book) is his simple common sense approach to finances. He doesn't over complicate the steps, but he understands it is difficult and requires discipline. To accentuate and give credence to his system, he includes numerous stories from real people who have implemented the Makeover and experienced major freedom and life-change from it. These stories provide a wide variety of examples of ways people became debt free. I will warn you that Ramsey will be in your face regarding the ignorance of debt accumulation. He has experienced first hand the danger and disaster of bad financial management so he hits debt pretty hard, but makes his point. Through the hard-hitting words, you can tell he does it because he wants to help you avoid what he and many others have learned the hard way.
I initially wanted to read this book for the investment portion but received much more than that. This book instructs about the myths regarding money that abound in our culture and addresses the spiritual nature of money and life. This is a book that I wish I had been given when I was much younger. These principles should be taught in high school personal finance.
I recommend this book to anyone wanting to be financially free and I hope that is everyone.
I received this book from Booksneeze.com in exchange for an honest review.
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