Jesus said if we hold to his teaching, then we are really his disciples. Then we will know the truth, and the truth will set us free (John 8:31-32). We all want to be free. Free from pain. Free from disappointment. Free from addiction. Free to truly live. This deep longing and how to begin the journey toward the freedom that eludes us is the focus of Brian Tome's latest book, Free Book.
Tome states his theme and purpose right on the front cover:
I am a fanatic about freedom. And I'm fanatical about coming at you hard in this book. I'm tired of seeing people beaten down by the world's systems and by religion. I'm sick of seeing people live safe, predictable lives while their God-given passions die. I hate the assumption that getting close to God means more rules and restrictions. No more. God's offering real freedom. Get yours.
I benefited from the 4 phases that we experience on the road to freedom: (1) The Blahs-the beginning point when things are just messed up and you don't know what to do; (2)The Break-this is the moment of change when you take that first intentional step toward freedom; (3) The Blues-this is when you start to miss the old, familiar ways because you are not yet experiencing the blessings of the new freedom; and (4) The Blessings- when you are finally experiencing the grace that comes with the taste of freedom.
Tome's finishes his book in the final chapters by discussing community (because we can't be free in isolation) and grace and truth (because this is what Jesus was filled with, so should his people be).
I recommend this book for anyone that is taking seriously their walk toward freedom. Though some may be offended by his stepping out with things that they would deem "inappropriate" (whatever that means) for a Christian book, Tome chooses to exercise his freedom in Christ to simply tell it the way it is. I found it to be refreshing and encouraging.
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