It began on the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness. In North! Or Be Eaten, Andrew Peterson chronicles the travels of the Jewels of Anniera north to the Ice Prairies, where rumor has it an army is being assembled to take on the dastardly Fangs of Dang.
Laced with betrayal, family division, battle, and magic, Peterson has constructed an adventure unlike anything I have encountered since my first reading of The Hobbit. I was captivated by the people and places I visited. (Please don't take me back to the Fork Factory!) Watch out for the Stranders: those murderous, thieving scoundrels. You will continually ask yourself Who is friend and who is foe? as you travel with the Wingfeathers.
Peterson holds nothing back when he shows evil things as they are: pure shadow and in ghastly form. In contrast, the beautiful things ride on the golden song of the whistleharp and carry you beyond all that is wrong. Through it all, the theme of knowing your name and who you are is driven like a nail into the hearts of the characters and the readers alike.
I light a fire on the shore, waiting to see that speck in the distance, the ship that carries the Jewels of Anniera. I wait for the restoration of things lost. I wait for Book 3 of the Wingfeather Saga.
Visit Andrew Peterson at http://www.andrew-peterson.com/ and http://www.rabbitroom.com/ .
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