Michael Leehan served Satan for twenty years. His life consisted of ritualistic cuttings on his arms to draw blood used to invite demons in, depression, jail time, ruined relationships, and doing spiritual battle with his enemies, the followers of Jesus. There was no end to what Leehan would do to serve his master, Satan, and it eventually led to his utimate assignment for the father of lies. The assignment: to kill Craig Groeschel, the senior pastor of Lifechurch.tv.
In his first book, Ascent from Darkness, Michael Leehan takes his readers on a journey unlike any they have ever been on as he recounts in detail his descent into Satanism. This is a true story of one man's giving up of himself for the darkness and emptying his entire being to evil. It contains tragedy and terror, but is filled with hope as he begins his ascent out of it.
I have read many books that deal with supernatural and spiritual issues, but this is one of the best I have given my time to. Leehan is open and honest about what he was thinking as he did the things that he did, and gives an honest assessment of what he experienced with Christians, the good and the bad. I am moved spiritually by this book as I look seriously at my heart condition and my commitment to Jesus. At one point in the book, Leehan writes "What is the difference between a Satanist and a lukewarm Christian...Nothing." Encouragement abounds between the covers of this book as you read about the many Christians that were not lukewarm as they pursued Leehan, prayed for him, and loved him where he was until God rescued him.
I recommend that everyone read this book, Christians and non-Christians alike. It will provide a realistic encounter with what the spiritual realm looks like and why the battle is there and not in the flesh. It also provide answers to the only hope we have in surviving....Jesus Christ.
I received this book free from the Thomas Nelson Booksneeze program in exchange for my honest review.