Ray Quinn, ex-homicide detective now private investigator, has just been hired by Mayer Holdings to recover some stolen "merchandise" in the form of a brown satchel and a hard drive containing important information. The value of this information is evidenced by the obscene amount of the check Ray is holding to take the job. Being of sound mind, at least when he is not drunk from spending time with his closest friend Jim Beam, and being broke, he takes the case. When the person suspected of taking the merchandise is found in a shady motel with a skull-handled knife protruding from his chest, the investigation spirals into complexity. Ray and his assistant Crevis find themselves neck-deep in trouble as they tackle the obstacles of the case. Add the personal struggles of Ray's alcoholism and his disability from his days as a cop and Crevis' studying to pass the police exam, tempers and stress are at a high.
This is the plot of Mark Mynheir's latest novel, The Corruptible, the second installment in the Ray Quinn Mystery series. As in the first book, The Night Watchman, Mynheir brings his knowledge as a real-life detective to play in an action packed, fun-to-read book. He has created characters that are realistic, that the reader will actually care about. I enjoy the senses of humor that Ray Quinn is able to maintain in the midst of crazy situations he volunteers himself into.This is the third book I have read by Mynheir and I would recommend him to anyone that likes crime drama. I have recommended his books on numerous occasions. I read novels for entertainment and this one, along with the other Mynheir books I've read, will deliver. Enjoy.
This book was provided free of charge by the Multnomah Blogging for Books Program in exchange for an honest review.